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State-of-Art Campaign Analytics  

Advanced report / stats system
This system allows you to learn more about the following aspects of your campaign:
Account Performance
Campaign Performance
Ad Performance
Keyword Performance
Traffic source monitoring
While analyzing your campaign's performance, you can monitor all traffic sources based on their IDs. This monitoring provides you with complete and constant awareness about the traffic you buy. At any time you'll be able to instantly block any source of this traffic.
Powerful Keyword Tracking
Our tracking tool will provide you the detailed information about every single click you buy. It will include your traffic source, the keyword you bid on as well as the keyword used by the surfer.

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Date: 2013-07-09

Do you know that Qualibid has advanced conversion tracking functionality? We strongly encourage you to start using one of our tracking methods.

Date: 2013-04-11

We are glad to inform you that we've recently launched a new function that allows advertisers to choose a particular traffic type.

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